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Scrapfest 2017 - DJ Scrappy

Team statement for this year's sculpture:

Enviro-Mental Art: DJ Scrappy

Late at night, if you listen closely, you will hear bass booming in the distance. You assume it originates from Spiral. You can’t see what happens beyond the fence at Friedland Industries, Inc. Abandoned machines & appliances rise up to embrace their transient independence. A brief moment to revel in freedom from the monotonous routine they were built to endure before being transformed into a new object.

Our team consists of an eight year old & his two working moms, an MSU grad student and an LCC student-both of whom have multiple jobs. Among us we had one Scrapfest veteran and four teammates with limited to no experience using tools. The mission was to create a piece requiring little time and money using basic tools, learn how Scrapfest works and have an unforgettable experience. We compete with professional metal workers in well outfitted shops. But we are Old Town, the “bring what you got and do what you can” community. In life you will often compete on an unleveled playing field. Don’t let it be an excuse to avoid challenges. I know we succeeded because every team member commented “Just wait until next year.”

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